External Beam Radiation Therapy
Skin & In vivo Measurements
MOSFETs are used routinely to measure patient dose. For surface dose measurements, such as scatter to the eye, the dosimeter is taped to the organ of interest. For Dmax measurements, build-up material is required. We have developed the brass hemispherical build-up cap to measure Dmax for all energies of photons & 15 MeV – 18 MeV electrons.
Skin & In-vivo IMRT
Use the MOSFETs to take the next step in your IMRT QA process. Measure skin and organ dose during IMRT treatments, e.g. as shown here the dose to the parotid is being measured during Head and Neck treatments by inserting the MOSFET into the mouth.
Best Medical Canada’s mobileMOSFET system is ideal for measuring multiple dose points during Total Body Irradiations. This system can support up to 40 dosimeters at a time using multiple readers. The MOSFETs are taped to the patient's body without build-up and the dose is read out in real time. This enables the physicist to determine in a timely manner that the correct treatment plan has been delivered. The software provides a dose report showing the dosimeters’ positions on a patient, planned dose, actual dose and deviation.
MOSFETs are well suited for Intraoperative Radiotherapy, as they are the only dosimeter that can be placed inside the tumour bed to verify the dose. This procedure is routinely being performed in IORT treatments in Italy.
MOSFETs are radio-transparent to the 4 MeV to 12 MeV electrons typically used in this procedure and do not shadow the beam. In addition, MOSFETs respond correctly to the high dose rate beam and the dose can be verified in real time before the patient is closed up. This procedure is routinely performed in Italy where there is a great deal of IORT experience with specially built portable LINACs.
The size and radiotransparency of the dosimeter allows very small area beams to be measured in phantoms and patients. The same attributes allow measurements in a number of other 3-D treatment procedures.